Roster math and free agent rumors hint that the Titans will make more moves

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In his predraft press conference, Tennessee Titans GM Ran Carthon said that he had been working relentlessly in the lead-up to his first draft with real control. During that press conference, he also had an aside where he talked about looking forward to next Thursday when he would get some time off.

That Thursday was yesterday, and with Tyler Boyd leaving town it seems like Tennessee Titans fans might need to wait a little while before there is any free agency news.

However, don't expect the Titans to stay quiet for long. There have been several hints that more free-agent moves are coming, and it certainly wasn't subtle when Carthon had a back-and-forth in his press conference wrapping up the draft when he said that he expected to have a small UDFA class this year because he wanted to keep those spots open for veterans.

The GM also said that he wanted those moves to be done quickly because the goal is to get the training camp version of this roster together quickly so that they can all learn how things are going to be done under Brian Callahan.

Mike Herndon did the roster math yesterday and it looks like there are going to be four spots open for free-agent signings.

Those UDFAs aren't official yet so that math could change a little bit one way or another, but that seems to be about right for what Carthon said after the draft.

The question now is which positions do the Titans believe they need to fill, and which players make the most sense?

ESPN's Jeremy Fowler went on 104.5's RKW show in Nashville and shed some light on what he is hearing about what the Tennessee Titans might be interested in doing next:

Earlier in that interview he also mentioned safety, so putting that all together it sounds like the Titans are looking to add a safety, a wide receiver, and offensive line help. Interestingly, it sounds like the Titans are happy with their rotation at EDGE this year.

Over the next week, keep an eye on those positions especially if some of the top free agents left start to get signed. That would put pressure on the Titans to get their guy quickly before he signs somewhere else.