Ranking the best of Derrick Henry Stiff Arms
Even when Derrick Henry isn’t having 200+ yard games, he finds ways to strike fear into the hearts of defenders in the form of the NFL’s best stiff arm.
This isn’t something that developed over night, but if you are a casual NFL fan then it is easy to miss the absolute devestation that his stiff arms cause. I mean, it isn’t your fault that the NFL doesn’t give the Titans more prime time games.
You might have a good idea why I am bringing this up now, and if you are a Buffalo Bills fan (or Josh Norman) please look away and have a nice today because this is where the PTSD gets triggered.
Derrick Henry put together another nasty move in Tuesday’s game against the Bills. If you haven’t seen it yet, I’ll let you enjoy the glory of it for yourself.
Straight filthy.
King Henry has put another defender on the ground with his moves, power, and strength. Henry, who is currently third in the league in rushing, electrified the team with that move and jolted the Titans to a 42-16 victory.
Since Henry has been in the league, he has put together highlight after highlight, season after season. Whether it be ridiculously long touchdowns or trucking over linebackers and defensive backs, Henry has a career worth of highlights already. However, the best of Henry is his notorious stiff-arming of the league’s elite.
Let’s take a look at the best Derrick Henry stiff arms in his professional career.