Tennessee Titans: First Down And Tenn 4-29 Edition


Tennessee Titans fans only have a little over 36 hours to wait until the fate of the franchise is decided at the 2015 NFL Draft. Will the season provide some excitement at LP Field, or will everyone’s hopes end in another 2-14 season with fans looking forward to the 2016 Draft.?

Four moves that could turn the 2015 NFL Draft upside down – Charles Davis Path To The Draft

"Given the scenarios that might play out, Thursday night is highly unlikely to disappoint when it comes to drama, and here are four moves that could turn the draft upside down.This is an exercise in pure fantasy — I’m not suggesting any of these moves are likely to happen, but it’s a lot of fun to think about what would ensure a frenzied start to the weekend in Chicago."

Tennessee Titans talk up Marcus Mariota before draft – Gregg Rosenthal Around The NFL

"It’s smokescreen season in the NFL, and the Tennessee Titans are at the center of it all. General manager Ruston Webster and coach Ken Whisenhunt laid it on thick at their Tuesday predraft press conference, talking up Oregon prospect Marcus Mariota as a possibility for the No. 2 overall pick."

Why I took Marcus Mariota for the Titans in the NFL Nation mock draft – Paul Kuharsky ESPN.com Titans Reporter

"He’s not coming out of a college system that mirrors what he would be asked to do in Tennessee. But the Titans believe his skills will translate into Ken Whisenhunt’s system and that they will adjust for him a bit, creating more offense where he could be on the move.That is something the Titans were reluctant to do for Jake Locker in the quarterback’s final season in Tennessee, Whisenhunt’s first. For the second pick in the draft he has a hand in selecting, I think we would see some flexibility."

 Jets fan already has Marcus Mariota Jets jersey – John Breech CBS SPORTS.com

If the New York Jets pull off a crazy trade during the first round of the NFL Draft on Thursday and somehow end up with Marcus Mariota, there will be no one happier than this guy, who already owns a Mariota Jets jersey.

Yes, I’m sure new Jets coach Todd Bowles would be ecstatic and new Jets general manager Mike Maccagnan would be thrilled, but I don’t think their combined happiness would even be one-tenth of this guy’s.

How the Tennessee Titans could get Muhammad Wilkerson and more – Will Lomas Titan Sized

"Recent news broken by Adam Schefter says that Muhammad Wilkerson is being discussed in potential trades right now. Despite the fact that the New York Jets say they are not looking to trade him, they have said they are listening to offers. This paired with the fact that the New York Jets have expressed a desire to move up could make the Tennessee Titans a perfect trade target.Here is how this trade works out on paper."

 Truth stranger than fiction as Titans near draft – Jim Wyatt The Tennesean

"The lying game has become standard operating procedure in the weeks and days leading up to the draft. Unless their morning coffee was spiked with sodium pentothal, you can’t trust anything coming out of the mouths of NFL coaches, general managers and player personnel directors at this time of year.Everybody has an agenda and what better way to obscure it than creating a smokescreen by leaking misinformation? I’m betting the Titans have done precisely that. And you can’t blame them. It’s simply the way the draft game is played."

Next: Is 2015 Ruston Webster's Last Stand?

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