What this means for the Titans (fan version)
This is probably the worst time for the Titans to cancel or postpone a game from a fan’s point of view.
Why? Well, two weeks ago the Titans announced that they were going to allow fans to finally return to the stadium in Week 4 to host the Pittsburgh Steelers.
The week after, season ticket holders were allowed to buy tickets on a first-come, first-serve basis where you were given more or less time depending on where your seats were and how long you had been a season ticket holder.
This led to a mad dash for tickets and some “fans” ended up grabbing as many as they could just to put them on the resale market. People called these fans trash and other names, but I won’t do that here.
I bring that up because look at some of these prices, nearly $4,000 for a pair of seats.
Let’s say you were a fan who loves the Titans and decided that you were going to buy the cheapest tickets you could find. It seems like that would have ended up costing about $1,200 for two with all hidden costs/fees included.
That isn’t all the expenses you probably needed to cover though. Assuming you live out of town you will also have had to book a hotel room, pay for gas, meals, etc.
Before it is all said and done you are looking at a $2,000 trip based around these tickets and now you are stuck with no answers on what is going to happen on Sunday.
Now you can’t cancel your reservations because if the Titans play a game on Sunday then you will have paid $1,200 for seats for a game that won’t be rescheduled. If you do go to Nashville and then the game is canceled, you might be stuck with $1,200 worth of tickets for a game that you can’t make a month later.
Sure, there may be some refunds possible but at the end of the day you are going to have to spend the next three days stressing over possible outcomes and you paid $2,000 to do that. What a nightmare.