Who stood out in the Titans’ 16-14 win against Denver
The Tennessee Titans won had their first game of the 2020 season in that sweet, 10 pm primetime slot, which amounted to a 16-14 win over the Denver Broncos– and brought with it two important outcomes.
One, the game marked the very first showing of live Titans football since January– and that lack of experience showed time and time again. Shaking off the rust is natural for a season like this, and luckily, the choppy start to the season didn’t matter. Because thankfully, the second important outcome, was that the Titans got the win.
Hopefully, this will be one of the uglier showings we see from the Titans this season. The group struggled to get the running game going on offense, nearly shot themselves in the foot with a three missed field goal night on special teams, and cost themselves big time and time again in the first quarter with costly penalties. But at the end of the day, a win still counts all the same, no matter how it’s earned.
And even in a rough showing like the Titans put on Monday night, there were still plenty of positives to pull. The Titans had standout players, on both sides of the ball, that are worthy of shouting out a day after their performances.
So, in the spirit of celebrating the first Tennessee Titans win of the 2020 season, let’s break down some of the group’s key contributors.