The fans
Sure, fan bases like those of the Cleveland Browns, New York Jets and Cincinnati Bengals might have a tougher time on a more regular basis, but make no mistake about it: it is not easy being a Tennessee Titans fan.
The franchise has never won a Super Bowl, and it’s one Super Bowl trip ended in about as heartbreaking a way as one can possibly imagine. There have been some great seasons for sure, however more often than not, the Titans let their fans down.
Through all of it, Titans fans remain as dedicated and loyal as ever. Their passion flies under the radar because the media fawns over some of the bigger fan bases. Titans fans live and die with their team just as much as the next fan rooting for another team.
Now, people will talk about attendance being an issue and evidence that Titans fans are not that great, but as one of my favorite lines from the movie Field of Dreams goes, “if you build it, he (the fans) will come.”
The Titans need to be more consistent on a game-to-game basis, and if they can prove to be better than the average team they have been the past three seasons, the fans will spend their hard-earned money and be there.
Make it happen, Titans, because it’s what your fans deserve.