Trade options the Tennessee Titans could consider.
The Tennessee Titans have a roster ready to go on a playoff run, but the offensive coaching staff has really held this team back.
However, that doesn’t mean that a coaching staff and front office with post season ambitions won’t be combing over the Titans roster looking for a deal to make.
Jon Robinson is known around the league as one of the most active GMs and he would definitely entertain trade offers for nearly anyone on the roster if the price was right and if the Titans were out of contention.
While that thought has been put on the back burner for another week, I wanted to break down the three players that really stand out as potential trade options and maybe some destinations where they could end up.
Very Important
Understand that I am not suggesting that the Titans should trade these players because they are bad or because the Titans couldn’t use them. What I am saying is that if this year is a wash then all of the sudden there are players on this roster who might have better opportunities for success somewhere else while also being valued more than the front office values them, then I could understand a conversation being had.