Deion Sanders doubled down on stupid by taking a shot at the Tennessee Titans on Thursday.
Instead of apologizing to Tennessee Titans safety Kevin Byard after he signed a record-breaking contract extension, Deion Sanders doubled down on stupid.
You may remember back in 2018 that Sanders didn’t know who Byard was, which created a feud between the two. In short, Sanders proved he had no clue who the All-Pro safety was back in 2018, mistaking him for a fan.
It was clear at the time that Sanders had no idea what he was talking about. He looked dumb, plain and simple.
As if that wasn’t stupid enough, Sanders posted this tweet on Thursday morning in response to the news of Byard’s extension.
@Titans i never thought I'd see the day where u boast about another BLACKMAN being paid! GOD IS GOOD! AMEN AMEN & AMEN!
— COACH PRIME (@DeionSanders) July 25, 2019
Where do we begin?
He says the Titans were boasting about signing Byard. Meanwhile the team was just reporting about its record-setting agreement with its top safety. And rightfully so, it was big news.
To make it worse, it seems there’s some kind of insinuation of racism by Sanders on the Titans’ part. It’s truly a facepalm type of statement that can only make you scratch your head.
Instead of Sanders just taking the high road and congratulating Byard, thus turning this into a situation with a happy ending, the Hall of Famer made it worse and far more awkward than it needed to be.

He should have taken his embarrassing 2018 moment like a man and turned it into something positive, but instead he acted like a child by taking a shot at the Titans the way he did.
From what I’ve read, Sanders’ Twitter account may or may not be run by his son, Deion Sanders Jr. If that’s the case, Junior needs to learn how to tweet better and stop making his father look foolish.
If it was in fact Junior, why not act like an adult in the same way he did in his response to Paul Kuharsky that was posted before the tweet from Sanders’ account?
We’re happy to see another young Black man win. God is great. Hope all is well Mr. Kuharsky. God bless you my brother.
— Deion Sanders Jr (@DeionSandersJr) July 25, 2019
Even if Sanders Jr. is playing on his dad’s account, it doesn’t excuse the nature of the tweet. The account has Sanders’ name on it and everything that comes from it represents the man himself, even if a moronic statement coming from it is typed by his son.
You should be better than this, Deion. Man up, give Byard an apology, and then give the Titans an apology as well. It’s the least you can do to make up for insulting a player, a team, and an entire fanbase the way you did.