The Tennessee Titans Top Three Weaknesses


It’s not all rainbows and sunshine for the Tennessee Titans as we head into the 2012 NFL season. They still have their weaknesses, as does every other NFL team. Tomorrow I’ll address the Tennessee Titans three biggest strengths but as for now, here’s three weaknesses that have me a little nervous as the Titans open up this coming Sunday against the New England Patriots:

The run blocking doesn’t appear to be fixed

Munchak tried to pawn off a horrible game early last season on Chris Johnson’s holdout, but towards the end of the season also admitted the line wasn’t living up to expectations. This year, it’s all on the line. The Titans had one good game of running this preseason and that was against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who CJ scorched for nearly 200 yards last season when he was “out of shape.”

We have one starter caliber safety, apparently

The Titans re-signed Jordan Babineaux this offseason and I hailed it as a great thing. Now it seems like it’s almost a battle between him and Robert Johnson, though they insist it’s not. Johnson did nothing to strengthen his position during preseason games, from what I saw. The Titans are eerily thin at the position and rookie Markelle Martin can’t get back soon enough. Looks like Griff may be stretched a little thin once again. The Titans will most likely be addressing this position in the next draft.

Our offense is inconsistent

This a bit of a broad statement. First off, our receivers seem to vary in performances ranging from superstars to high school footballers. Jared Cook can make ridiculous diving catches or he can be standing out of bounds when he catches the ball. Damian Williams can be an end-zone ninja, or drag his feet on a deep ball. They all have their forehead slapping moments. Add in the fact that Jake Locker was quite hit or miss with his accuracy this preseason and you’ve got me a little concerned.

The biggest of the concerns for me is the run blocking. If the Titans have had a whole year to turn around the run blocking and fail, Munchak will take some heat, undoubtedly. One thing that keeps echoing in my head is that all of Palmer’s offenses have had poor run games. Is it really the o-line’s fault, or is it something stemming from our new offense? I find it hard to swallow the idea of it being fully on the new offense, but something is up.

It needs to get fixed. Now. There’s no excuse for having one of the highest paid running backs in the NFL and not giving him some proper blocking. CJ’s still got all the tools, he just needs a little help.

You can find me on Twitter @JustinLStewart