Extreme Makeover: Titans Secondary


There is a reason when free agency opens that Nnamdi Asomugha will be the most sought after player in what is sure to be a frantic signing period. The ability of a shut down corner to eliminate half of the field for an opposing offense is an invaluable tool to a defense. This is an area the Titans need serious help.

Unfortunately for Titan fans we are still seeing the trickle down effect of the epic blunder that was the drafting of one Adam “Pac-Man” Jones. Were he not a complete bust the Titans would be in a much better position. With Pacman gone the Titans are left with a guy who should be playing no more than the number two corner in Cortland Finnegan covering the leagues elite receivers.

Titan fans need to be honest with themselves here and hope the management can do the same. We have a soft spot in our heart for Finnegan because of his style of play. He reminds people of Blaine Bishop because of his fire and tough nature, but the truth is he makes far too many mistakes to be a number one corner in the NFL. It’s not his fault, he should have never been put in this position in the first place. If not for the Pacman bust he would have never been asked to try and be more than he really is.

Getting a true number one corner is not the only hole the Titans need to fill in the secondary. Safety is also a major concern headed into the upcoming season. Michael Griffin is entering the final season of his contract and has shown flashes of greatness as the teams free safety. As long as he can keep his personal issues from affecting his play on the field he can be at the top of the game at his position. The Titans need to lock him up long term and worry about the other half of their safety tandem.

Chris Hope is done. He doesn’t have another NFL snap left in his body. Given the change in defensive philosophy there is no time like the present for a change in the guard. The Titans need a strong safety that can play near or at the line of scrimmage to help out against the run and can cover tight ends in new defensive coordinator Jerry Gray’s scheme. Tom Zbikowski safety for the Baltimore Ravens is due to be an unrestricted free agent (pending rules of free agency) and should be given a hard look by the Titans. The Ravens secondary did not miss a beat last year when he filled in for the injured Ed Reed. His hard hitting style both on the field and in the boxing ring will bring toughness to the defense the Titans have lacked the last couple of years.

The shortcomings of the secondary have long been covered up for by the intensity of the Titans pass rush. This got exposed last year when injuries took the teeth out of the once ferocious unit. As a defense you are not going to always be able to get to the quarterback. It might be a good idea to have the personnel in place to cover the guys he’s going to throw to, or there could be some very painful games to watch.