Hello everybody! It’s Tom Scharpling, the host of The Best Show On WFMU, heard every Tuesday night from 8-11 PM EST over at WFMU (91.1 FM/www.wfmu.org).
WFMU is in the middle of its fundraising marathon, and I will be doing my second and final marathon show this Tuesday March 10th from 8-11 PM EST, asking for your pledges to keep WFMU up and running for another year.
Remember, WFMU is COMPLETELY LISTENER SPONSORED. We don’t take sleazy corporate grants or government subsidies or any of that stuff so that we can bring you free-form radio that is 100 percent free – that’s the beauty of not having ties to The Bad Guys.
Would anybody else allow us to do 35 minute Scharpling & Wurster bits? Or take some of the calls we take? No! WFMU is the only place in the world that would give us the freedom that makes the show what it is.
Yes, we’re doing a fundraising show this Tuesday March 10th. But it’s going to be anything but boring. We have GUESTS!
The amazing TED LEO makes his return to The Best Show marathon, playing songs for pledges! This is his third year doing this, and it’s an absolute highlight. And this year he’s going to be joined by a few awesome people. The wonderful AIMEE MANN will also be on hand to play some songs for your contributions!
That’s enough, right? Wrong! The one and only super comedian and host of VH1’s Best Week Ever PAUL F. TOMPKINS will be in the studio!
And last but not least the legendary author/actor/computer spokesman JOHN HODGMAN will join us with some very funny surprises! It’s going to be a show for the ages, so do not miss it!
So call and pledge 1-800-989-9368 or pledge online at www.wfmu.org this Tuesday March 10th between 8-11 PM EST!!
In addition to your money going to a worthy cause, you get stuff back. Everybody who pledges 75 bucks or more automatically gets The Best Show On WFMU’s MIRTH MUSIC AND MAYHEM: A PREMIUM IN THREE PARTS. This is our best premium to date, and one that people will be talking about for years! Allow me to break it down for you:
The MIRTH part of the pack is an ALL NEW SCHARPLING AND WURSTER CD, with stuff written and recorded for this CD. This marathon is the ONLY time you’ll ever have a chance to get it — it goes out of print as soon as the marathon ends! The MUSIC part is insane — an all-star various artists tribute to the Paul McCartney album RAM called “TOM” featuring ALL NEW AND ORIGINAL RECORDINGS from artists like: DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE, TED LEO, AIMEE MANN, PORTASTATIC, DANIELSON, DUMP, THE BLACK HOLLIES, THE HANK IV, THE BARBARAS, JAMES PANTS, THE SPIDER BAGS and so many more!
They recorded these songs JUST FOR THIS CD, and once my marathon show is over, IT IS GONE FOREVER. Talk about collectable, right? RIGHT?!
And finally the MAYHEM part of the deal: A really cool ENVIRONMENTAL TOTE BAG with the famed ‘Dogmo’ logo on the side and a FRIENDS OF TOM MEMBERSHIP CARD that you can only get during this marathon!
So if you want it, YOU MUST PLEDGE DURING MY SHOW THIS TUESDAY MARCH 10th BETWEEN 8-11 PM EST! That is the only way to get my premium! The RAM tribute, the Scharpling & Wurster CD, the tote bag — they all GONE after Tuesday night! So pledge!
And the number to pledge is 800-989-9368, or do it on your computer at www.wfmu.org DURING MY SHOW this Tuesday March 10th from 8-11 PM EST!
Oh, another thing – anyone who pledges $1000 or more to my show gets an insanely special premium: “Taste Of Newbridge”, a limited edition TEA blended by T Salon & T Emporium just for this marathon! It’s a high-end tea combining ‘a black tea base with notes of caramel, chocolate, vanilla and a touch of Mandarin orange rind!’ Each tea comes in a container featuring customized Best Show packaging and a quote from Philly Boy Roy! The retail value on this is almost a hundred bucks, and this is the ONLY chance to ever get it!
There are also a ton of prizes and whatnot that you get for different pledge levels. There are also prize levels at $150, $365, $500, $1000 and $3000, and the station takes care of you big-time with a TON of awesome prizes and shirts and CDs that you can’t get anywhere else for those respective levels. AND IT’S TAX DEDUCTABLE! You can check them out over at www.wfmu.org/marathon/pledge.php
And you don’t have to pay the pledge when you make it – the station will send you a bill in the mail. So if you want to pledge but don’t have the money in your hand tonight, don’t sweat it! Just pledge now and pay later!
If you aren’t able to make your pledge during my show, you can email me your pledge and I will write it up for you! Just send it to toms@wfmu.org, and give me your full name, mailing address and pledge amount.
Remember the date — this Tuesday March 10th from 8-11 PM EST. We will be joined by TED LEO, AIMEE MANN, PAUL F. TOMPKINS and JOHN HODGMAN all live in the studio, helping raise money to keep WFMU on the air for another year!
I’m counting on you! This Tuesday night March 10th between 8-11 PM EST! 800-989-9368! www.wfmu.org! Do the right thing and strike a blow for The Good Guys!
Thank you.
Tom Scharpling.
PS — Also, do me a favor and SPREAD THE WORD ON THIS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! Post it to message boards! Put it on blogs! Twitter! Facebook! MySpace! Friendster! Tell anyone and everyone you know about the WFMU marathon!
In all seriousness, and past all of the free stuff (which is always top shelf!), this is the single funniest thing I have ever found (I got you Lucas and Artie) and been a part of in my entire 27 years on this earth. And the fact that it’s all supported by the listeners makes the sense of community that much greater. Pledge, don’t pledge, fall in love with the show and pledge next year. Whatever it is, make sure you check out “The Best Show” on WFMU with Tom Scharpling! – Nick @ TitanSized.com