Q & A with an Arrowhead Addict


Well apparently the Chiefs have some pretty dedicated bloggers, especially given the state of affairs these days in Kansas City. Herm, if you’re reading this maybe you could take some notes on their work ethic (and probably a few tips too. Don’t worry, you can take credit for them). This is a special Q & A though, as we were able to work with our good buddy Adam over at Fan Sided’s very own Arrowhead Addict. We like to keep it in the network, and the fact that Fan Sided has some of the best bloggers on the web makes it all the easier. So here is our Q & A Part II I guess, and you can read the one we did for his site here. I told you we were doin’ work during the bye…

TS: Both the Chiefs and the Titans are coming off a bye week. What do you think the Chiefs did to prepare for the now only undefeated team in the league during that time? Or do you think they were able to even focus on this week’s game given all of the commotion of the last week (i.e. Gonzo trade rumors, L.J. assault charge)?

AA: Prepare? Focus? Remember, this is a Herm Edwards‘ team we are talking about here. The Chiefs already accomplished their mission–they sold enough tickets for the game not to be blacked out. In all seriousness, though, the distractions didn’t help at all. We’re behind the eight ball without any extracurricular stuff going on.

TS: The Chiefs haven’t faced a defensive line like ours yet this season, and they are dead last in the league in passing offense. With all of the questions you guys have at quarterback, how do you think Brodie Croyle/Tyler Thigpen/Damon Huard (you’re guess is as good as mine) will handle the pressure that the Titans front four will bring on Sunday? I mean, should we be ready for WILDCAT! or at least tight sets and short routes where the QB can get rid of the ball faster?

AA: You might see some kind of Wildcat with scatback Jamaal Charles. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit. We’re totally outmatched and desperate. Our quarterbacks are the worst in the league, can’t stand up to punishment, and punishment they shall receive given that the right side of our line is currently a joke. And you can bet your you know what Brokie “Mr. Glass” Croyle will be running for dear life and hitting D-Bo and Tony G on short routes.

TS: Quicker, more change-of-pace running backs have given the Titans a bit of trouble this season (Chris Perry in week 2, Steve Slaton in week 3). Larry Johnson isn’t that kind of back, so do you think we’ll see more of Jamaal Charles or even Kolby Smith this week?

AA: Kolby Smith will be the starter with L.J. deactivated/suspended, whatever “Harm” Edwards wants to call it. But… Jamaal will probably get 20 touches. Expect us to use J.C. in a very Reggie Bush manner.

TS: Is this still Herm Edwards team, or do you get the sense that he has lost those guys? Is he the one the rest of the team and the front office wants to lead the rebuilding project or is he a lame duck coach? He is 14-23 with the Chiefs, and 53-64 overall as a head coach in this league. Not good. What is it going to take for Herm Edwards to lose his job?

AA: He’s lost this team. Tony basically gave him a “vote of no confidence,” and that’s a death kiss. He’s lost the players, he’s definitely lost the players, but he still has owner Clark Hunt’s faith, at least for now. I expect him to continue to be under fire in K.C. like a strip steak, but will that be enough to get him canned? 4-12 didn’t do it last year.

TS: Three weeks ago, the Chiefs whooped the division rival Denver Broncos at home, then came back the next week and laid a dud in Carolina. The Titans now have the target squarely on their back’s as the only undefeated team in the league after the Giants got it taken to them on Monday night. What Chiefs team can the Titans expect on Sunday?

AA: With Brodie playing QB? Expect the team that was left for roadkill in Carolina two weeks ago. I don’t see any possible way the Chiefs win this one against what I feel is the league’s best defense. Also, Coach Fish against Harm is like Butterbean boxing Johnny Knoxville. It could get ugly up in Arrowhead Sunday.

TS: Well, I guess that about says it all. Got a final score for us Adam?

AA: 20-3 Titans. Neither team can move the ball very well, but the Titans defense scores at least one TD.