Apparently we all really, really want Peyton Manning to come to Nashville


So this is the first I’ve heard of such a thing, but apparently we, the Titans faithful, are chomping at the bit to bring Peyton to LP Field. Some local cats have started a web-site dedicated to raising money in an attempt to lure Manning to Nashville. I guess we’re figuring if Broncos fans could force Tebow to start, so we can force Manning to come here.

You can peep the site here.

Look, I don’t think anybody is gonna say Peyton Manning doesn’t make a team better. It’s just that he is likely gonna pull in anywhere from $10-15 million. We’ve already got Locker and Hasselbeck on the books, and I think that money can be spent elsewhere and put to much better use (DE, WR, C). Also, I really want to see Locker take command of the offense for a full year. I feel like he’s gonna put the league on notice.

What do you think? Should we make a play for Manning?

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